Monday, 13 December 2010

gay sound

chatted with a fren just now who suspects that his housemate is a P. he told me that he overheard his housemate's conversation with his frens and it sounded gay. hmm. I get those a lot i guess. But is there really such thing as gay language where u can actually spot a gay by hearing him talk >?

Or is it the well known theory of gaydar that has been circulating around. Hmm. I guess there is such thing .
Quite a few of my gay frens are able to pinpoint the sexuality of guys by using their gaydar or should i call it the gay antenna. Does it really work? maybe i should do a research paper on it and present it to my fellow readers with a detailed powerpoint presentation with all the assumptions and step-by-step instructions on how to make use of your inborn gay antenna.

That will definitely be interesting ? So are there any keen students out there ? maybe some sifus should enlighten us on the theory .

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