Monday, 4 April 2011


Mr bad luck has just unleashed its wrath on me and totally redefined its boundaries .

Wrath 1: Bought a train ticket from Birm to London scheduled to depart in the morning for my London-KL flight,.

Train Strike in London on Sunday! And guess who is going to London by train on Sunday morning?
Guessed right ! ME!

Solution : Bought another coach ticket and wasted my train ticket for nothing .
Oh well , at least i still made it to london .
Wrath 2: Political crisis in Egypt screwed up the flight schedules of Egypt Air . And guess who is flight back by Egypt Air ?
Guessed right ! ME again !

Solution: Need to transit again in Bangkok for a whole 3 hours before flying back to Msia. One stopover of 3 hours in Cairo is bad enough . Now its doubled up to 2 stopovers , 6 hours waiting time and 14 hours of flight time. Gosh ! 

Wrath 3: Misplaced baggage on transit . And guess who is on transit for 2 times ?
Guessed Right ! Me again again !  You guys are good in guessing.

Solution : Pray hard that they will find my bag filled with new clothes and perfumes that I bought for Hong Kong clubbing and return back to me as soon as possible . (So sorry Vincent ! your gift for Jason is in that bag! Hopefully the bag will come back to me . I bet MR Baggie is having a lot of fun in Cairo or in Bangkok now ! )
Trying very hard not to blow up . Cant sleep . JEt lag now !
