Tuesday, 24 January 2012

CNY again

One year has passed again. Time flies. Happy New Dragon year fellow bloggers!

First shocker of the year : Found out that my best straight fren whom I have known for years is gay . Wohhoo !  Welcome to the Gay world , MK !!!! 

New year resolutions;
1) Tulsy will be wet again soon
2) Olive oil to be wet for the first time
3)Jason n vince to be more loving than ever
4) Sha- to be president or prime minister of something political


  1. superlike the new year resolution, especially No. 2 and 3 LOL! XD

    1. why you no like number 1??!?!

      is it cos you think i should wait for dancerboy?!?!


    2. well, in a way, wait or not, you will get wet eventually lol, so like 1-3 lo~

    3. tulsy is already wet with me

    4. Oh so no likes for no 4 la now hah. Anyway awesome that your friend is now one of us!
