Thursday 25 November 2010

Fights and drama

In just 2 days , QQ and me has argued for two times.But im pretty sure that both are my fault.

Day 1
I chatted with a friend of QQ and found out that QQ had webcamed with him.And when i say webcam , i mean webcaming in a sexual way . I was sad and angry at the same time. That night itself, I waited for QQ to wake up and confronted him. He did tell me that he webcamed with that friend a while back , but have forgotten about it.Its my fault , dear. Sorry for arguing with you.

Day 2

I found out about something that relates to QQ and his ex-bf , Nick which he had not told me before. Its is rather a long story so I shall cut the details and go straight to the point. We then argued again and I was very angry because he had not told me about it before. We talked and got over it very fast. Its my fault again for being so rude and harsh to u . I should have talked to u in a softer tone rather than raising my voice. It does matter whose fault it is as long as I know that you are the one I truly love. thank you for letting me know that. Muaxx

1 comment:

  1. erm.. ex's things dont go and dig la ok.. hahaha.. if it happens during the relationship with you then that should be argued.. but whatever happens with the ex has nothing to do with you wert :) youre the current :)
